We have lost three hens in the past few days, this morning I seen a fox run across the trail in the back of the house, running towards the drive. On his way he picked off the third hen. I am so upset. We were wondering what was getting them, but now we know. I am not sure what we can do about it, we don't have a secure pen for them, they have always been free range. We expected some loss in the winter, but not that many all in a few days, or a week.
Don't know what to do about my egg customers, too late in the season to hatch more, (maybe, let me think on that one) Maybe I can find some grown or nearly grown hens to purchase. But on the other hand, do want to set up a Fox buffet?? I hate it when I loose chickens. They were all hatched and raised by us, they all have names, it is hard to loose them.
Well, that is my day, week or whatever, but on goes life!
God Bless you all.