Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fox in the Hen House

Well, the fox was back, took out another chicken, right in the front yard, with Maggie the Golden, sitting on the porch. I seen him go off down through the ravine and up the ridge on the other side, Maggie gave chase, but of course, she didn't catch that darn fox! We are down to 7 hens now. I am so upset, not sure what to do, I hate to keep offering my chickens as fox food. I love my chickens and have raised them from eggs. Another stress from living in the woods. Please Pray for me and my chickens and that we can get rid of the fox.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fox in the chicken yard!

We have lost three hens in the past few days, this morning I seen a fox run across the trail in the back of the house, running towards the drive. On his way he picked off the third hen. I am so upset. We were wondering what was getting them, but now we know. I am not sure what we can do about it, we don't have a secure pen for them, they have always been free range. We expected some loss in the winter, but not that many all in a few days, or a week.

Don't know what to do about my egg customers, too late in the season to hatch more, (maybe, let me think on that one) Maybe I can find some grown or nearly grown hens to purchase. But on the other hand, do want to set up a Fox buffet?? I hate it when I loose chickens. They were all hatched and raised by us, they all have names, it is hard to loose them.

Well, that is my day, week or whatever, but on goes life!

God Bless you all.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nope I didn't get lost!

It has been a tough year, with my RA and other medical problems, but I think I am doing a lot better this year.

We have 13 chickens, two of which are roosters, we lost 2 so far over the winter. Just this last week, a varmint, yet to be named took out one of my black autralorp hens, all we found were the feathers.

Randy has a new mountain bike and he has been riding the mountain trails and enjoying every ride. I got a new embroidery machine and am trying to learn how to use it. It does everything but whistle DIXIE and I think if I knew how, it would do that! I have been making lacy snowflakes and lacy bookmarks. I am also taking classes at Sew Crazy in Chassell. Naomi is a good teacher, it just takes me a lot longer to learn these days.

It is a beautiful day in the U.P. so I think we will go for a ride in the "bush". (That is down trails that are almost a road)

Take care and God Bless you and keep you!
Love in Christ,