It has been a tough year, with my RA and other medical problems, but I think I am doing a lot better this year.
We have 13 chickens, two of which are roosters, we lost 2 so far over the winter. Just this last week, a varmint, yet to be named took out one of my black autralorp hens, all we found were the feathers.
Randy has a new mountain bike and he has been riding the mountain trails and enjoying every ride. I got a new embroidery machine and am trying to learn how to use it. It does everything but whistle DIXIE and I think if I knew how, it would do that! I have been making lacy snowflakes and lacy bookmarks. I am also taking classes at Sew Crazy in Chassell. Naomi is a good teacher, it just takes me a lot longer to learn these days.
It is a beautiful day in the U.P. so I think we will go for a ride in the "bush". (That is down trails that are almost a road)
Take care and God Bless you and keep you!
Love in Christ,